Computer Science and Engineering

Dr. Shrikant Zade
Head of the Department

HOD'S Message

Computer Science and Engineering comprises of the basic knowledge of computer programming and networking. The computer science experience will give ample knowledge about the implementation design and management of the entire information system in both the aspects- hardware as well as software.

Developing good engineers is more difficult than developing good software. So ultimately, the responsibility of teacher is much more than any other designations. Because everyone initiates his/her journey from a particular teacher. Taking the importance of these responsibilities into considerations we are trying to develop unique characteristics in students by shaping them with not only academic but also industrial education.
Inspiring from our honorable principal and respecting his experience in educational field we are following his principals for developing policies of department.

In view of present global challenges, we need to train our students with following values:

1) Discipline

2) Academics - project based learning.

3) Inclusive growth

Therefore, I will specifically work upon following agendas on priority with cooperation and contribution from you all.

1) Project based learning

2) Involvement of parents

3) Societal projects

4) Industry interaction

5) Raising core competencies and extension of education.

6) Research projects and publication.

7) MOU, collaborative projects and consultancy.


To foster Computer Science and Engineering graduates by imparting quality technical education through need based technical skills with ethical values


  • To provide quality initiatives in skill-based teaching learning process to improve technical knowledge in Computer Science and Engineering.
  • To enhance intellectual capital of stakeholders by providing research and innovation avenues and improved industry interactions.
  • To increase societal connect for need based problems through extra-curricular activities.

Program Outcomes (UG)

  •  Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals to the solution of engineering problems.
  • Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review literature, and analyze complex engineering problems using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public safety, societal and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct problem investigations: Use research-based knowledge including experimentation, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern tool usage: Select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools for analyzing the engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The engineer, industry and society: Apply contextual knowledge to assess industrial, societal and safety related issues and understand consequent relevance to the professional engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities such as, being able to understand and write effective reports, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO1: Graduates will pursue successful career as software professionals, IT consultant and system administrators.

PEO2: Graduates will adapt to the changing technologies, tools and societal requirements.

PEO3: To create and sustain a community of learning in which students acquire knowledge and apply in their concerned fields with due consideration for ethical, ecological, and economic issue.

PEO4: To train students with good Computer Science and Engineering breadth, so as to comprehend, analyze, design and create innovative computing products and solutions for real life problems.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO'S):

A graduate of the Computer Science and Engineering Program will demonstrate:

PSO1: To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of CS engineering concepts and apply these to the industries.

PSO-2: The ability to understand, analyze and develop computer programs in the areas related to algorithms, system software, multimedia, web design, big data analytics, and networking for efficient design of computer-based systems of varying complexity.

PSO-3: The ability to employ modern computer languages, environments, and platforms in creating innovative career paths to be an entrepreneur, and a zest for higher studies.

Computer Science & Engineering Lab Details:

  • Fundamentals of Computer & Programming in C
  • Basic Hardware & Software Lab
  • Data Structures & Algorithms
  • Computer Network & Internet Technology Lab
  • Software Engineering
  • Object Oriented Programming Lab
  • Database Management System
  • Language Processor Lab
  • Visual Techniques
  • Web Technology Lab
  • Project Lab
Faculty Information

Name: Dr. Shrikant Zade
Designation: Associate Professor & Head of the Department
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: Ph.D
Experience: 22 Years
Paper Presented: 45
Paper Published:45
Professional Membership:-
Name: Mr.Viabhav Tumane
Designation: Associate Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (CSE)
Experience: 12 Years
Industry: 01
Paper Presented: 05

Name: Dr.Mahendra S.Makesar
Designation: Associate Professor
Department:Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: B.E,M.E,Ph.D.
Experience: 20 Years
Industry:07 Years
Paper Presented: 21
Paper Published:47
Professional Membership: IE, INNS,IAENG,ISDS

Name: Prof. Mangesh Sadafale
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (CSE)
Experience :17 Years
Industry :__
Paper Presented: 02
Paper Published: 02
Professional Membership: __

Name: Prof. Mohammad Sajid
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (CSE)
Experience :06 Years
Industry :07
Paper Presented: __
Paper Published: 06
Professional Membership: __

Name: Prof. Sandeep Sonaskar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: Master of Engineering in Electronics
Experience :08 Years
Industry :07
Paper Presented: 13
Paper Published: 14
Professional Membership: __

Name: Prof. Shaikh Ayaz Shaikh Mahmood
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: Master of Engineering
Experience :07 Years
Industry :__
Paper Presented: 03
Paper Published: 06
Professional Membership: __

Name: Prof. Vaishali Gedam
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (CSE)
Experience :05 Years
Industry :__
Paper Presented: 01
Paper Published: 05
Professional Membership: __

Name: Prof. Shubham Unhale
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (CSE)
Experience :02 Years
Industry :__
Paper Presented: 02
Paper Published: 02
Professional Membership: __

Name: Prof. Nikita Dhanvijay
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (CSE)
Experience :04 Years
Industry :__
Paper Presented: 02
Paper Published: 02
Professional Membership: __

Name: Prof. Gauri Kolhe
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (CSE)
Experience :01 Years
Industry :__
Paper Presented: 01
Paper Published: 01
Professional Membership: __

Name: Prof. Rajni Gaikwad
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (CSE)
Experience :01 Year
Industry :__
Paper Presented: __
Paper Published: 01
Professional Membership: __

Name: Prof. Suraj Pawar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Computer Science & Engineering
Qualification: M.Tech (CSE)
Experience :01 Year
Industry :__
Paper Presented: __
Paper Published: 01
Professional Membership: __

STACS(Student Association of Computer Science)

The Studies are not just confined to the prescribed syllabus. We strive to go beyond the curriculum, and conducting the curriculum and extra curriculum activity.

Faculty Incharge (Forum): Prof. Shubham Unhale  

Forum Office Body Session 24-25


Students Name


Yogeshwari Samarth


Shikha Chauhan


Vedant Satpute

Joint Secretary

Kashish Vishwakarma


Harshit Mishra

Joint Treasurer 

Palvi Jibhkate

Head Sports

Ayush Gondole

Head Technical

Jyotisman Moharana

Co-Head Technical

Yash Rathod

Head Discipline

Palak Sute

Head Women Cell

Aditi Bawangade

Head Cultural

Tushar Chakole

Head Social

Abhijit Biswas


Industrial Visits

Industrial Visit Oberoi Centre of Excellence for Robotics

108th Indian Science Congress RTMNU Campus, Nagpur

8th Semester Students Topper List

Mr. Lokesh Hiwarkar

Mr. Lokesh Hiwarkar

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 9.36
Mr. Yugal D.Bihule

Mr. Yugal D.Bihule

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 9.14
Ms. Divya Meshram

Ms. Divya Meshram

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 9.14

6th Semester Students Topper List

Mr. Jyotisman Mohrana

Mr. Jyotisman Mohrana

3rd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 9.23
Mr. Prashant Golhar

Mr. Prashant Golhar

3rd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 8.62
Ms. Divyani Bhusari

Ms. Divyani Bhusari

3rd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 8.76

4th Semester Students Topper List

Ms. Vaishnavi Ughade

Ms. Vaishnavi Ughade

2nd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 9.23
Ms. Anjali Parate

Ms. Anjali Parate

2nd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 8.62
Ms. Shrya Kohad

Ms. Shrya Kohad

2nd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 8.76

Rankers ( Summer -2023 Even )

Ms. Twinkel Patil

Ms. Twinkel Patil

2nd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 8.21
Ms. Priyanka Kale

Ms. Priyanka Kale

2nd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 8.00
Mr. Ayush Gondhole

Mr. Ayush Gondhole

2nd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 7.99

Rankers ( Summer -2023 Even )

Ms. Nimisha Wankhede

Ms. Nimisha Wankhede

3rd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 8.86
Ms.Nilima Devtale

Ms.Nilima Devtale

3rd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 8.11
Mr. Lokesh Hiwarkar

Mr. Lokesh Hiwarkar

3rd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 8.62

Rankers ( Summer -2023 Even)

Mr. Parag Gajbhiye

Mr. Parag Gajbhiye

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 8.15
Ms. Kalyani Nevare

Ms. Kalyani Nevare

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 7.96
Ms. Ishika Khutate

Ms. Ishika Khutate

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 7.96

Rankers ( Summer -2022 Even )

Ms. Sakshi Bhujade

Ms. Sakshi Bhujade

3rd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 9.93
Ms. Sakshi Thakre

Ms. Sakshi Thakre

3rd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 9.93
Ms. Ishika Khutate

Ms. Ishika Khutate

3rd Year
Aggregate SGPA: 9.81

Rankers ( Summer -2022 Even )

Mr. Rushikesh Mule

Mr. Rushikesh Mule

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 10.00
Mr. Ankit Singh

Mr. Ankit Singh

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 9.63
Mr. Rajat Gaiki

Mr. Rajat Gaiki

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 9.44

Rankers ( Winter -2022 Odd )

Mr. Parag Gajbhiye

Mr. Parag Gajbhiye

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 7.8
Ms. Gayatri Dhandhre

Ms. Gayatri Dhandhre

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 7.6
Ms. Isha Patil

Ms. Isha Patil

4th Year
Aggregate SGPA: 7.6
Name of the teacherTitle of the book/chapters  publishedYear of publicationAcademic SessionISBN number of the proceeding
Dr.N.V.ThakurPerformance Comparison of Clustering Algorithms Based Image Segmentation  on  Mobile devices20192018-2019978-981-13-0616-7
Dr.N.V.ThakurAn Enhanced Approach to Memetic AlgorithmUsed for Character recognition20192018-2019978-981-13-0616-7
Dr.N.V.ThakurMitigation against Denial of service Flooding and malformed Packet Attacks20192018-2019978-981-13-1164-2
Dr.N.V.ThakurBest Bound Population Based Local search for Memetic Algorithm inView20192018-2019978-981-13-1164-2
Dr.N.V.ThakurCluster Based Adaptive and dynamic Routing Protocol to Enhance the Performance of wireless network20192018-2019978-981-13-1164-2
Dr.N.V.ThakurWireless Sensor Networks:Concepts,Analysis,Routing and applications20192018-2019ISBN13: 9781522561644
Dr.N.V.ThakurA Overview of Image Recognition and Retrieval of Clothing Items20182018-2019978-1-5386-2600-9
Prof.A.U.GahankariFundamentals of Operating Systems20222021-22978-93-5625-073-4

Sr. No.


Guide Name


Participation/Achievements if any







Pattern recognition with Occurrence of Animilium

Prof.Aditya Turankar


Particiipated in National Level Project competition in Bhopal


Thyroid Detection using Machine learning

Prof.M. Sajid




  Price negotatier ecommerce chatbot

Prof.M. Sajid




Eyeball Movement based Cursor Control

Prof.Nikita Dhanvijay


Secured 1st postion in Intra level Project competition in NIT College, Nagpur


 Cancer Gene Detection

Prof. Vaishali gedam




Accident Detection & Alert System

Prof.Aditya Turankar



Guest Lecture

Seminar on “Cloud Technology & Information Security & it’s Future Opportunities”

Workshop on “DOT NET”

Networking and Cloud Computing Program

Seminar on “Cyber Security”

Guest lecture on Open GL

Webinar on how to write an international paper

Sr. No  TitleResource Person
1Webinar on “Career Opportunities after B.E / B.Tech” Mr.Ramesh Masuna,Sr.Faculty at ACE,Hyd
2Seminar on Startup Planning and Management under the Institution’s Innovation Council(IIC-NIT) IIIC Cell
3Webinar on JAVASCRIPTMr. Akshay Moon, Software Developer at Girmiti Software Pvt. Ltd, Banglore at  NIT, Ngp
4One Day seminar on Major Project GuidanceMr.Somiron Mitra, L&T, Trainer, Facilitator and Freelancer
5Forum Installation StACS -2022-2023Mr. Nilesh Gupta,CEO,NR Solution4u,Nagpur
6Poster Competition and Quiz competition on Occasion Of Engineer’s Day Under StACSDr. Vijay Kalbande,Professor & Head Of Dept.Nagpur
7Webinar on “How to write Research Paper” Dr.Nitin K. Mandavgade Professor,Deptt of ME, NIT
8One Day Workshop on “Web Technologies”Mr.Nilesh Gupta ,CEO, NR Solutions4u,Nagpur
9Workshop on “Tips and Tricks to Crack GATE”Prof.Aditya Turankar, Dept of Computer Science & Engineering, NIT Nagpur
10Workshop on Web Development BootcampMr. Madhav Jha ,Full Stack Web Developer at The American Indian Foundation, Nagpur 
11“Cloud Technology & Information Security &it’s Future Opportunities”Mr. Anil Tatode, Training Officer, Department of Robotics & Cloud Technology RTMNU,Nagpur.
12workshop on “DOT NET”Mr. NilESH GUPTA,CEO, NRSOLUTIONS4U,Nagpur.
13Seminar on “Cyber Security”Mr. Mahesh RakhejaTechnical Public Speaker,Nagpur.
14quiz competition on ” Constitution of India”Prof. Vaishali Gedam, Assistant Professor, CSE,NIT, Nagpur
15Guest Lecture”NETWORKING AND CLOUD COMPUTING”Mr. Raj Arora, CEO, Revat Network.